
Website development

Creation of institutional websites for NGOs, companies and individuals.


Malware removal, backups, updates, SEO and more. Need help? Get in touch contact!

Themes & Plugins WordPress

Development of custom themes and plugins for WordPress

Platform migration

Move your website from a service (Blogger,, Wix etc) to your own place on the internet


Production or modification of HTML or CSS code for any purpose such as banners or newsletters

Localization and translation

Translation and adaptation of software (C, PHP, HTML, and Javascript) into Brazilian Portuguese.

Open technologies

Part of my work involves finding practical, user-friendly solutions that add value rather than costs.

The most commonly used technologies in my projects include:


Free software refers to the freedom for users to run, copy, distribute, study, modify, and improve the software. This freedom is fundamental and is protected by specific licenses, such as the GPL (General Public License).

Open source refers to the practice of making the source code of a software available for anyone to examine, modify, and distribute. The difference between open source and free software lies mainly in the emphasis on ethical principles and complete freedom.

In addition to software, open technologies can also refer to the use of open standards. Open standards are technical specifications that are publicly available and can be implemented by anyone. This promotes interoperability and avoids dependencies on proprietary technologies.

Elementor not working Footer disappeared Panel inaccessible Database error Site down 404 error after migration Critical error on your site Site with malware Error connecting to the Database Cannot access the panel Fatal Error PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Elementor not working Footer disappeared Panel inaccessible Database error Site down 404 error after migration Critical error on your site Site with malware Error connecting to the Database Cannot access the panel Fatal Error PHP Fatal error: Uncaught Error: